Star War Battlefront 2 EA – Concept Art (Gallery) This is most of the concept art I made for the unreleased Battlefront 2 EA over a year ago. Hero Escort Spawn Christophsis Fighter Squadron: Finalizer Info Escort: Takodana Woods Theed City Westar 34 Felucia ELG 3A Theed Hangar Quadnocular Info Escort: Starkiller Base HuttSplitter Spawn as Magna Guard Spawn as Droideka Kamino Utapau General Hux NN-14 Spawn as Boil Commander Cody Escape: Niima Outpost JSP-14 Mos Espa Fighter Squadron: Takodana Fighter Squadron: Niima Outpost Naboo Generator Room Night Vision Spawn as Senate Guard Hero Escort: Yoda’s Hut Mygeeto Mandalore Escape: Takodana EL-16HFE ELG-3A Star Card Fighter Squadron: Starkiller Base Blast: Dagobah Corusant Underworld Hero Escort Spawn DC-15A Info Escort: Finalizer E-5 Escape: Starkiller Base Droid Run: Dagobah Jango Fett GLIE-44 Spawn as Waxer Darth Maul Kashyyyk F11D 4-LOM Info Escort: Maz’s Castle EL-16HFE Droid Control Ship EMP Grenade F-11D Yoda Escape: Resistance Base on D’qar This is some of the unfinished concept art that I previously hadn’t released: Count Dooku Ashoka Tano YouTube Videos: SaveSave